The philosophy behind traditional marketing is to interrupt consumers’ experience with information about products or services.

But users aren’t always ready to make a purchase decision!

In contrast, content marketing focuses on building up the authority of your brand over time by meeting the user’s desire for more pieces of content. In the long run, those same users who regularly visit your site for great content will likely return when they are ready to become new customers.

The average person now spends 3 hours a day on their smartphones. What are they searching for? Content! Although your long term goal is to attract buyers, the best way to draw traffic to your site is by using content. Users are already looking for it, so why not provide them the opportunity, whether through blog content or well-designed landing pages, to engage with yours?
Content marketing efforts are increasingly becoming the most important advertising strategy for any brand. For most consumers, traditional marketing is still perceived as disruptive and inconvenient, feelings you don’t want associated with your brand name.